Bologna, 6 September 2014 – The Philippine Consulate General together with OWWA Milan sponsored a seminar on financial literacy with the theme “Sama-sama sa Pag-ahon ng Bayan,” in Bologna on 6 September 2014 attended by working women from various Filipino associations in that city. The seminar was organized as part of the Consulate’s Gender Awareness Development initiatives.
In her opening remarks, Consul General Marichu Mauro stressed the importance of empowering working women not only in the work place but also as individuals. She encouraged the participants to take advantage of the economic growth in the Philippines and support the country’s various economic initiatives by investing in the sectors of their choice. Consul General Mauro also mentioned that the financial literacy or education is important in promoting the OFW’s entrepreneurial spirit and strengthening their business acumen.

The resource speakers were Ms. Cynthia Lamban, Acting Labor Attaché and Mr. Randy Lamsen, Area Director of Filinvest Internationa. The seminar touched on the goals of the participants and their reasons for working abroad. OFW stories are not always successful, some of them ended without financial stability in their old age.
The seminar succeeded in conveying that each individual has the power to invest and save starting from being financially literate and being aware of investment opportunities. Types of investments are insurance, variable unit insurance, stocks and real estate, among others. Being healthy is also considered as an investment because it avoids spending money on medicines. Ms. Lamban talked on the various investment schemes and facilities offered by the Philippine government to OFWs.
The Seminar, organized in cooperation with the Associazione Donna Filippine (Filipino Women Association), was held for the first time in Bologna which was well appreciated by all the participants. (PCG – Milan)
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