Milan, Nov. 20, 2014 – The Philippine Consulate General in partnership with the Italian Social Security National Institute (INPS) equivalent of Philippine Social Security System concluded a forum on services and benefits on 13 November 2014 at the INPS office in Milan.
In his welcome remarks, INPS Lombardy Regional Director Antonio Pone highlighted the importance of migrant workers in the Italian society particularly the Filipino workers who are known to be hardworking and who give a positive contribution to the richness of the city and the Italian society in general. He emphasized that INPS is willing to provide all the support in order to give the community the necessary information related to their services.

The forum presented a general overview of the INPS system: role, coverage, benefits and services. It included video presentations explaining how members can take advantage of INPS’ comprehensive website to get all the information that they need. Although the website is only available in Italy, any INPS member can call either by phone or skype to speak to a live agent, available in 7 languages including English. INPS is also aware of the need to establish an English website in consideration of the big component of foreign workers in Italy.
The seminar ended with an open forum where the participants had the chance to ask questions related to their INPS membership and contributions.
INPS organized this activity following the meeting of Philippine Consul General Marichu Mauro and Mr. Pone, who agreed to the Consul General’s request for INPS to organize a forum. Mr. Pone assured the Consulate and the community their cooperation and assistance for future activities.

The forum further demonstrated a strong collaboration between INPS and the Consulate in the interest of providing better services and up-to-date information for the benefit of the Filipino workers in Milan and Northern Italy. (PCG-Milan)
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